How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

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Moderatori: Carlo, giosca

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of "fermata" shell number 59: "(2 intrecci) + (controbomba + intreccio botti al titanio) + (controbomba + intreccio botti al titanio) +
(croce di Malta) + controcolpo".

These photos were taken in the Province of Lecce on April 24th, 2010 preparing for the competition in the town of Castro by Amodio Di Matteo and brothers.
This shell with the superscription "2xoxox crocediMalta ." written on the outside indicate "(2 intrecci) + (controbomba + intreccio botti al titanio) + (controbomba + intreccio botti al titanio) + (croce di Malta) + controcolpo". The complete effect is two successive mosaic in the first break, a mosaic of 7 color bombettes in "pampanella" = white, followed by a mosaic of 7 color bombettes in goldglitter. In the second break a large bouquet with a pistel of red round stars + a mosaic of 9 titaniumsalute bombettes and rings of cilindrical green stars. In the third break the same bouquet and in the fourth break a large bouquet with a pistel of red round stars + a Maltese cross and rings of red cilindrical stars and closed by a bottom-shot.

There are 2 of this type of 21 cm caliber, 4-break shells in this evening display.

Salvatore Di Matteo on the right side, Amodio Di Matteo on the back and in the middle an employee with the two "bomba di fermata" with the
superscription "2XOXOX croce di Malta .".

On the left side Antonio Di Matteo, in the middle the employee and on the right side Salvatore with the second fermata shell in this effect.


In the third and fourth photo on the left side Antonio and in the middle Amodio with the first fermata and on the right side Salvatore with the second fermata with the superscription "2XOXOX croce di Malta .". "2X" = 2 intrecci = 2 mosaic in succession. "OX" = "controbomba + intreccio botti al titanio" = bouquet + a mosaic of titanium salute bombettes. "croce di Malta" = Maltese cross. "." = "controcolpo" = bottom-shot.

Also Salvatore with the second fermata.

In the video between minute 7.08 and 7.29.

This effect is also used in the "bomba da tiro", even with one more break, so "(2 intrecci) + (controbomba + intreccio botti al titanio) + (controbomba + intreccio botti al titanio) + (controbomba + intreccio botti al titanio) + (croce di Malta) + controcolpo".

1:02 - 1:17 minute.

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of "fermata" shell number 353: "(scala a 8 botti) + (2 riprese) + (2 riprese) + controcolpo".

These photos were taken in the Province of Bari on November 9th, 2019 preparing for the daylight Festival San Trifone on November 10th in the town of Adelfia.
This daylight display was fired by the company of the brothers Senatore from Cava de Tirreni in the Province of Salerno, Regione Campania.
This shell with the superscription "8B 4 S o" written on the outside indicate "(scala a 8 botti) + (2 riprese) + (2 riprese) + controcolpo".
The complete effect is 8 successive salute bombettes in the first break followed by a second break with 2 successive mosaic of salute bombettes, in the third break 2 successive mosaic of salute bombettes and closed by a bottom-shot.
There are 2 of this type of 21 cm caliber, 3-break shells in this daylight display.

The two "fermata" shells with the superscription "8B 4 S o" in front of the mortars. "8B" means "8 Botti" successively, "4 S" means
2 breaks with "2 Ripresa" successively and "o" means the bottom-shot. The letter "S" is possibly a dialect word in the Province of Salerno for the effect "ripresa".

An "appassionato" with the first "fermata" shell in this effect with the superscription "8B 4 S o".

When you translate this daylight effect to an evening fermata effect it will be "(scala a 8 stucchi) + (2 intrecci) + (2 intrecci) + (controbomba)".

In the video of EarthshakerPyro between minute 10.00 and 10.28

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of "fermata" shell number 106: "(scala a 8 botti) + (3 riprese) + controcolpo".

These photos were taken in the Province of Bari on November 9th, 2017 preparing for the daylight Festival San Trifone on November 10th in the town of Adelfia.
This daylight display was fired by the company of Antonio Bruscella from Modugno in the Province of Bari.
This shell with the superscription "8B 3X ." written on the outside indicate "(scala a 8 botti) + (3 riprese) + controcolpo".
The complete effect is 8 successive salute bombettes in the first break and three successive mosaic of salute bombettes in the second break and closed by a bottom-shot.
There are 3 of this type of 15 cm caliber, 2-break shells in this daylight display.

This "fermata" shell with the written superscription "8B 3X ." and on the label "8B 3X", "8B" means "8 Botti" successively, "3X" means 3 "Ripresa"
successively and the point means bottom-shot.

The second and third "fermata" shell in this effect. In the background the three sferical "fermata" shells of 30 cm caliber in the "stutata" effect with in between a salute shell.

The three "fermata" shells of 15 cm caliber in this effect.

Davide Di Bello loading the first "fermata" shell in this effect.

When you translate this daylight effect to an evening fermata effect it will be "(scala a 8 stucchi) + (3 intrecci) + (controbomba)".

In the video between minute 5.20 and 5.43

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of "fermata" shell number 289: "(2 intrecci) + (2 intrecci) + (2 intrecci) + (controbomba) + controcolpo".

These photos were taken in the Province of Naples on April 2nd, 2016 preparing for a competition in the town of Somma Vesuviana.
This evening display was fired by the company of Luigi Di Matteo from Sant'Antimo in the Province of Naples.
This shell with the superscription "2x2x2xo.", written on the outside indicate "(2 intrecci) + (2 intrecci) + (2 intrecci) + (controbomba) + controcolpo".

The complete effect is three breaks with 2 successive mosaic in each break, the first is a splendid mosaic of 7 color bombettes in "pampanella" (= white) followed by a second mosaic of 7 color bombettes in goldglitter and in the fourth break a bouquet with a heart of purple spherical stars and rings of yellow cylindrical stars, closed by a bottom-shot.

There are 2 of this type of 21 cm caliber, 4-break shells in this evening display.

An employee with this "fermata" shell with the written superscription "2x2x2xo.". "2x" = 2 intrecci = 2 mosaic of color bombettes successively.
o = controbomba = bouquet with a heart of spherical stars and rings of cylindrical stars. "." = controcolpo = bottom-shot.
At the left side the two mortars for these two fermata shells.

The two pearls for mortar 5 and 6 in this serie.

Luigi takes the first "fermata" shell in this effect from the employee for mortar number 5.

Luigi loading this "fermata" shell in mortar 5.


The second "fermata" shell in this effect for mortar number 6.

Two fermate in the effect "(2 intrecci) + 3 controbombe + controcolpo", two fermate in the effect "(3 intrecci) + (controbomba + intreccio) + (controbomba + intreccio) + controcolpo" and two fermate in the effect "(2 intrecci) + (2 intrecci) + (2 intrecci) + (controbomba) + controcolpo".

When you translate this evening effect to a daylight fermata effect it will be "(2 riprese) + (2 riprese) + (2 riprese) + (controcolpo)".

In the video of Gecimali between minute 12.09 and 12.35.

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of "fermata" shell number 327: "(2 riprese) + (2 riprese) + (2 riprese) + controcolpo".

These photos were taken in the Province of Bari on November 9th, 2016 preparing for the daylight Festival San Trifone on November 10th in the town of Adelfia.
This daylight display was fired by the company of Giovanni Pannella from Ponte in the Province of Benevento.
This shell with the superscription "3x 2+" written on the outside indicate "(2 riprese) + (2 riprese) + (2 riprese) + controcolpo".

The complete effect is three breaks within each break 2 successive mosaic of salute bombettes and closed by a bottom-shot. A very good rhythm!!! In each break the first mosaic is with salute bombettes in brown smoke.
There are 3 of this type of 21 cm caliber, 3-break shells in this daylight display.

Giovanni Pannella with the first "bomba di fermata" in this effect with the superscription "3x 2+" of 21 cm caliber. "3x" = 3 breaks.
"2+" = 2 successive mosaic of salute bombettes.

Giovanni loading the first "fermata" shell in this effect.

Giovanni Pannella with the second "fermata" shell in this effect for mortar number eight.

Giovanni Pannella loading the second "fermata" shell in this effect.

The third and last fermata for mortar number nine.

You can translate this daylight effect into an evening effect: "(2 intrecci) + (2 intrecci) + (2 intrecci) + (controbomba)".

In the video of Pironyian between minute 10.55 and 11.16

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of "fermata" shell number 285: "(3 intrecci) + (controbomba + intreccio) + (controbomba + intreccio) + controcolpo".

These photos were taken in the Province of Naples on April 2nd, 2016 preparing for a competition in the town of Somma Vesuviana.
This evening display was fired by the company of Luigi Di Matteo from Sant'Antimo in the Province of Naples.
This shell with the superscription "3xoxox.", written on the outside indicate "(3 intrecci) + (controbomba + intreccio) + (controbomba + intreccio) + controcolpo".

The complete effect is three successive mosaic in the first break, the first is a splendid mosaic of 7 color bombettes in "pampanella" (= white) followed by a second mosaic of 7 color bombettes in whiteglitter and in the third mosaic 7 titaniumsalute bombettes. In the second break a large bouquet with a pistel of red round stars + a mosaic of 7 titaniumsalute bombettes and rings of cilindrical green stars. In the third break a bouquet with a heart of blue spherical stars + a mosaic of 7 titaniumsalute bombettes and rings of yellow cilindrical stars, closed by a bottom-shot.

There are 2 of this type of 21 cm caliber, 3-break shells in this evening display.

At the right side Luigi Di Matteo with this "fermata" shell with the written superscription "3xoxox.". "3x" = 3 intrecci = 3 mosaic of bombettes
"ox" = controbomba + intreccio botti al titanio = bouquet with a heart of spherical stars and rings of cylindrical stars + a mosaic of 7 titaniumsalute bombettes.
"." = controcolpo = bottom-shot.

Luigi is loading this fermata shell in mortar number 3 and two employees waiting with the two "fermata" shells for mortar 5 and 6 in this serie.

Luigi is loading the first "fermata" shell in this effect.

Luigi is loading the second "fermata" shell in mortar number 4.

In the video of Pirovagando between minute 12.13 and 12.38.

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of "fermata" shell number 94: "(4 botti + 2 riprese) + controcolpo".

These photos were taken in the Province of Bari on November 9th, 2017 preparing for the daylight Festival San Trifone on November 10th in the town of Adelfia.
This daylight display was fired by the company of Antonio Bruscella from Modugno in the Province of Bari.

This shell with the superscription "4B2X." written on the outside indicate "(4 botti + 2 riprese) + controcolpo".
The complete effect is 4 successive salute bombettes followed by two successive mosaic of salute bombettes and closed by a bottom-shot.
There are 3 of this type of 15 cm caliber, 1-break shells in this daylight display.

This "fermata" shell with the written superscription "4B2X.", "4B" means "4 Botti" successively. "2X" = "2 riprese" = two successive mosaic of salute bombettes. "." the point means bottom-shot.

A view of the 21 mortars for the "fermata" shells of 15 cm caliber. This serie goes from the right to the left, seven different effects in 3 shells of each effect. From the right side mortar 7, 8 and 9 are for the fermata shells in this effect.

You can translate this daylight effect into an evening effect: "(4 botti + 2 intrecci) + (controbomba)".

In the video of EarthshakerPyro between minute 6.06 and 6.25

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of "fermata" shell number 64: "(controbomba + intreccio botti al titanio) + (controbomba)".

These photos were taken in the Province of Lecce on April 24th, 2010 preparing for the competition in the town of Castro by Amodio Di Matteo and brothers.

This shell with the superscription "OXO" written on the outside indicate "(controbomba + intreccio botti al titanio) + (controbomba)".

The complete effect is a large bouquet with a pistel of red round stars + a mosaic of 9 titaniumsalute bombettes and rings of cilindrical green stars in the first break and in the second break a large bouquet with a pistel of blue round stars and rings of cilindrical red stars.

There are 2 of this type of 21 cm caliber, 2-break shells in this evening display.

Antonio Di Matteo with this "fermata" shell with the superscription "OXO". "OX" = controbomba + intreccio botti al titanio = a large bouquet with a pistel of round stars + a mosaic of titaniumsalute bombettes and rings of cilindrical stars. "O" = "controbomba" = a large bouquet with a pistel of round stars and rings of cilindrical stars.

Crescenzo Di Matteo loading the first "bomba di fermata" in the effect "(2 intrecci) + (2 intrecci) + (2 intrecci)". Two of these shells are before the effect "(controbomba + intreccio botti al titanio) + (controbomba)". At the right side his brother Amodio.

The set up from Gerardo Scudo in Siano on the 17th of August 2015 for the competition.

In the video of TotudeVitrugna between minute 6.09 and 6.14 and between minute 6:23 und 6.30.

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of "fermata" shell number 514: "(scala a 8 botti) + (scala a 8 botti) + (3 riprese) + controcolpo".

These photos were taken in the Province of Bari on November 9th, 2019 preparing for the daylight Festival San Trifone on November 10th in the town of Adelfia.
This daylight display was fired by the company of Palmieri Fireworks (Antonio Palmieri and Mino De Candia) from Apricena in the Province of Foggia.

This shell with the superscription "16B/3*." written on the outside indicate "(scala a 8 botti) + (scala a 8 botti) + (3 riprese) + controcolpo".
The complete effect is 8 successive salute bombettes in the first and the second break and three successive mosaic of salute bombettes in the third break and closed by a bottom-shot.
There are 2 of this type of 21 cm caliber, 3-break shells in this daylight display.

This "fermata" shell with the written superscription "16B/3*.", "16B" means "16 Botti" successively, 8 successive salute bombettes in the first and
second break, "3*" means 3 "ripresa" successively = three successive mosaic of salute bombettes in the third break and the point means bottom-shot.

A view of the 8 "fermata" and 5 "bomba da tiro" shells of 21 cm caliber in nine different effects. Twelve shells in three breaks and one shell in two breaks.

Mino De Candia with some of the sferical "fermata" shells of 25 cm caliber.

When you translate this daylight effect to an evening fermata effect it will be "(scala a 8 stucchi) + (scala a 8 stucchi) + (3 intrecci) + (controbomba)".

In the video between minute 15.23 and 15.54

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of the "fermata" shell number 102: "(intreccio + 4 botti + intreccio) + (controbomba)".

These photos were taken in the Province of Salerno on August 17th, 2015 preparing for the competition with 5 companies in the town of Siano by the company of Gerardo Scudo from Ercolano in the Province of Napoli. Scudo is the winner of this edition.
This shell with the superscription "* 4 *" written on the outside indicate "(intreccio + 4 botti + intreccio) + (controbomba)". We miss the sign "O" or "____" for the "controbomba" in the superscription. This is because every fermata in this serie of 14 shells has a controbomba in the second break.
The complete effect is in the first break a mosaic of four color bombettes in red followed by 4 successive titanium salute bombettes and a mosaic of four color bombettes in "pampanella" (= white) and in the second break a bouquet with a heart of blue spherical stars and rings of red cylindrical stars.

There are 4 of this type of 16 cm caliber, 2-break shells in this evening display.

A "classic" in the Italian serie of fermate of 16 cm caliber and a variation on the effect "(4 botti + 2 intrecci) + (controbomba)"!!

When you translate this eveningfermata to a daylightshell it becomes: "(ripresa + 4 botti + ripresa) + (controcolpo)".

I don't know if there has been fired once a fermata in the double effect so: "(2 riprese) + (8 botti) + (2 riprese) + (controcolpo)". So 3 breaks.
Did anyone see this effect?

An employee from Gerardo Scudo with a "fermata" shell of 16 cm caliber with the superscription "* 4 *". The asterisk-sign(*) = "intreccio", a mosaic
with 4 color bombettes. "4" = "4 botti", 4 successive titanium salute bombettes.

Gerardo Scudo loading this "fermata" shell in this effect.

Gerardo Scudo with a fermata in this effect, the mortars 5,6,7 and 8 are loaded with the "(intreccio + 4 botti + intreccio) + (controbomba)".

In the video of Pirovagando between minute 6.52 and 7.20 .

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of "fermata" shell number 515: "(scala a 8 botti) + (3 riprese) + (3 riprese) + controcolpo".

These photos were taken in the Province of Bari on November 9th, 2019 preparing for the daylight Festival San Trifone on November 10th in the town of Adelfia.
This daylight display was fired by the company of Palmieri Fireworks (Antonio Palmieri and Mino De Candia) from Apricena in the Province of Foggia.

This shell with the superscription "8B 6*." written on the outside indicate "(scala a 8 botti) + (3 riprese) + (3 riprese) + controcolpo".
The complete effect is 8 successive salute bombettes in the first break, three successive mosaic of salute bombettes in the second break and three successive mosaic of salute bombettes in the third break and closed by a bottom-shot.
There are 2 of this type of 21 cm caliber, 3-break shells in this daylight display.

This "fermata" shell with the written superscription "8B 6*." in the upper position above the "bomba da tiro", "8B" means "8 Botti" successively, 8
successive salute bombettes in the first break, "6*" means 6 "ripresa" successively in the second and the third break = three successive mosaic of salute bombettes in the second and the third break and the point means bottom-shot.

Both of the two "fermata" shells in this effect on the right and the left side, in the middle the "bomba da tiro".

A tifoso from Germany with the "bomba da tiro" with the superscription "* B x 9 .".

When you translate this daylight effect to an evening fermata effect it will be "(scala a 8 stucchi) + (3 intrecci) + (3 intrecci) + (controbomba)".

In the video between minute 16.25 and 16.52

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of the "fermata" shell number 37: "(4 intrecci)".

These photos were taken in the Province of Campobasso, region Molise on November 15th, 2009 preparing for the evening competition in the town of Rotello.

This evening display was fired by the company of the three brothers Carmelo, Emilio and Michele Di Candia from Sassano in the Province of Salerno, Region Campania.

This shell with the superscription "4* ck" written on the outside indicate "(4 intrecci)".
The complete effect is 4 successive mosaic of colour bombettes in crackling gold. In one mosaic 7 bombettes, so totally in this shell 28 bombettes in 4 layers.
There are 3 of this type of 21 cm caliber, 1-break shells in this evening display. In between these shells we see 3 shells in the effect "farfalla" which means "butterfly".

The "fermata" shell with the superscription "4* ck". "4*" = 4 intrecci = 4 successive mosaic of colour bombettes. "ck" = in crackling gold.
The caliber of the mortar for the "farfalla" shell is larger as for the "4 intrecci", I expect 25 cm.

An employee of Di Candia is loading the second "fermata" shell in this effect.

Carmelo with the next "fermata" shell after the last "farfalla" effect shell with the superscription "*4B*__ __ __",
"(intreccio + 4 botti + intreccio) + (controbomba) + (controbomba) + (controbomba)". Four breaks.

The video is from the competition in the town of Solofra on the 26th of June 2018 fired by the company Boccia & Nappi from Palma Campania in the province of Naples.
In the video of Pirovagando between minute 9.32 and 9.53

These three fermata shells have a second break (controbomba) after the first break with "4 intrecci". So "(4 intrecci) + (controbomba)".

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of "fermata" shell number 105: "(scala a 8 botti) + (scala a 8 botti) + (scala a 8 botti) + controcolpo".

These photos were taken in the Province of Bari on November 9th, 2017 preparing for the daylight Festival San Trifone on November 10th in the town of Adelfia.
This daylight display was fired by the company of Antonio Bruscella from Modugno in the Province of Bari.

This shell with the superscription "24B." written on the outside indicate "(scala a 8 botti) + (scala a 8 botti) + (scala a 8 botti) + controcolpo".

The complete effect is 8 successive salute bombettes in the first break, 8 successive salute bombettes in the second break, 8 successive salute bombettes in the third break and closed by a bottom-shot.
There are 2 of this type of 21 cm caliber, 3-break shells in this daylight display.

This "fermata" shell with the superscription "24B." in front of the mortar. "24B" = 24 Botti = 24 successive salute bombettes, in 3 breaks, 8 successive salute bombettes in each break. "." = controcolpo = bottom-shot.

The "fermata" shell in three breaks for mortar number 5, the first one in this effect.

Davide Di Bello is loading the first of the two "fermata" shells in this effect. In the front Meo Bruscella who is connecting an electrical igniter at
the second fermata in the effect (4 botti + ripresa) + (4 botti + ripresa) + (4 botti + ripresa) + controcolpo.

In the video from EarthshakerPyro between minute 10.46 and 11.01 and between minute 11:16 and 11:31.

In between and after this effect there are two fermata shells in 4 breaks, in each break three "riprese". Also a very nice sound rhytm.

When you translate this daylight effect to an evening fermata effect it will be "(scala a 8 stucchi) + (scala a 8 stucchi) + (scala a 8 stucchi) + (controbomba)".
But you never see this effect in an evening display? Why?

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of the "fermata" shell number 18: "(4 botti + 2 intrecci) + (controbomba) + (controbomba) + (controbomba)".

These photos were taken in the Province of Campobasso, region Molise on November 15th, 2009 preparing for the evening competition in the town of Rotello.

This evening display was fired by the company of the three brothers Carmelo, Emilio and Michele Di Candia from Sassano in the Province of Salerno, Region Campania.

This shell with the superscription "4B**__ __ __" written on the outside indicate "(4 botti + 2 intrecci) + (controbomba) + (controbomba) + (controbomba)".
The complete effect is 4 successive salute bombettes followed by two mosaic with each 7 bombettes, the first mosaic in the colour blue and the second mosaic with 7 salute bombettes in the first break.
In the second, third and fourth break a large bouquet with a heart of spherical stars and rings of cylindrical stars.
There are 2 of this type of 21 cm caliber, 4-break shells in this evening display.

A tifoso with the "fermata" shell with the superscription "4B**__ __ __". "4B" = 4 successive salute bombettes. "**" = two mosaic with in each
mosaic 7 bombettes. "__ __ __" = three controbombe, so three large bouquets.

The topside of this "fermata" shell, the superscription is clear to read.

The "fermata" shell in between the mortars.

The employee is loading the second "fermata" shell in this effect.

The employee is loading the first "fermata" shell in this effect.

The video is from the competition in the town of Cimitile on Sunday the 22th of January 2012 fired by the company fratelli Di Candia.
In the video of Gecimali between minute 9.13 and 9.26
The next fermata shell is in the effect "(intreccio + 4 botti + intreccio) + 3 controbombe".

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of "fermata" shell number 510: "(ripresa + 2 botti + ripresa + 2 botti + ripresa) + controcolpo".

These photos were taken in the Province of Bari on November 9th, 2019 preparing for the daylight Festival San Trifone on November 10th in the town of Adelfia.
This daylight display was fired by the company of Palmieri Fireworks (Antonio Palmieri and Mino De Candia) from Apricena in the Province of Foggia.

This shell with the superscription "X..X..X." written on the outside indicate "(ripresa + 2 botti + ripresa + 2 botti + ripresa) + controcolpo".
The complete effect is a mosaic of salute bombettes followed by 2 successive salute bombettes, again a mosaic of salute bombettes followed by 2 successive salute bombettes and a mosaic of salute bombettes and closed by a bottom-shot.
There are 3 of this type spherical shell of 25 cm caliber, 1-break shells in this daylight display.

This spherical "fermata" shell with the written superscription "X..X..X.", "X" means "Ripresa" = a mosaic of salute bombettes.
".." means "two botti" = 2 successive salute bombettes and the last point "." means bottom-shot.

Both of the two spherical "fermata" shells in this effect.

Four "fermata" shells of 25 cm caliber, in the front the "fermata" with the superscription "X..X..X.".

One of the fermate in this effect on the mortar. On the right side Michele Maldera and on the left side Collins Cagneta from the company Palmieri Fireworks.

When you translate this daylight effect to an evening fermata effect it will be "(intreccio + 2 botti + intreccio + 2 botti + intreccio) + controbomba".

In the video of EarthshakerPyro between minute 6.19 and 6.53


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