How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

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Moderatori: Carlo, giosca

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

An example of "fermata" shell number 335: "(2 intrecci) + (controbomba) + (controbomba) + (controbomba) + (controbomba) + controcolpo".

These photos were taken in the Province of Naples on April 22nd, 2017 preparing for a competition in the town of Somma Vesuviana.
This evening display was fired by the company of Luigi Di Matteo from Sant'Antimo in the Province of Naples.
This shell with the superscription "2x__ __ __ __", written on the outside indicate "(2 intrecci) + (controbomba) + (controbomba) + (controbomba) + (controbomba) + controcolpo".

The complete effect is two successive mosaic in the first break, the first is a splendid mosaic of 7 color bombettes in "pampanella" (= white) followed by a second mosaic of 7 color bombettes in goldglitter. In the second break a large bouquet with a pistel of red round stars and rings of cilindrical white stars. In the third break a bouquet with a heart of blue spherical stars and rings of red cilindrical stars. In the fourth break a bouquet with a heart of green spherical stars and rings of yellow cilindrical stars.
In the fifth break a bouquet with a heart of purple spherical stars and rings of yellow cilindrical stars, closed by a bottom-shot.

There is 1 of this type of 21 cm caliber, 5-break shell in this evening display.

This serie of 7 "fermata" shells of 21 cm caliber consists of: between minute 8:00 and 9:09.
"6 intrecci" in 3 breaks. Each break in pampanella + goldglitter.
"(controbomba) + (controbomba) + (controbomba)".
"9 intrecci" in 3 breaks, in each break pampanella + red pupatelle stars and titaniumsalutes bombettes.
"(controbomba) + (controbomba) + (controbomba) + (controbomba)".
"(2 intrecci) + (controbomba) + (2 intrecci) + (controbomba) + controcolpo".
"(2 intrecci) + (controbomba) + (2 intrecci) + (controbomba) + controcolpo".
"(2 intrecci) + (controbomba) + (controbomba) + (controbomba) + (controbomba) + controcolpo".

Luigi Di Matteo is walking with this "fermata" shell to the row of mortars for these shells.

Luigi is loading this fermata shell with the written superscription "2x__ __ __ __" in mortar number 7. "2x" = 2 intrecci = 2 mosaic of bombettes successively.
"__" = controbomba = bouquet with a heart of spherical stars and rings of cylindrical stars. The controcolpo = bottom-shot is not written on the shell.

Luigi is loading this "fermata" shell.

In the video of Pirovagando between minute 8:58 and 9:09.

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

625. "(scala a 8 stucchi) + (4 intrecci) + (controbomba)".
626. "(2 riprese + 4 botti + 2 riprese) + (2 riprese + 4 botti + 2 riprese) + (2 riprese + 4 botti + 2 riprese) + controcolpo".
627. "(6 riprese) + (6 riprese) + controcolpo".
628. "(ripresa + botto + ripresa + botto + ripresa + botto + ripresa) + (ripresa + botto + ripresa + botto + ripresa + botto + ripresa) + controcolpo".
629. "(scala a 8 botti) + (ripresa + botto + ripresa + botto + ripresa) + controcolpo".
630. "(5 riprese) + (5 riprese) + (5 riprese) + controcolpo".
631. "(scala a 8 botti) + (3 riprese) + (3 riprese) + (3 riprese) + (3 riprese) + controcolpo".
632. "(4 botti + ripresa) + (4 botti + ripresa) + (4 botti + ripresa) + (4 botti + ripresa) + (4 botti + ripresa) + controcolpo".

The magnificent serie of "fermata" shells on the 10th of November 2024 (competition San Trifone in Adelfia) fired by the company of Vincenzo Senatore from Cava di Tirreni (Province of Salerno)

Between minute 6:46 and 7:28: 3 shells "(ripresa + botto + ripresa + botto + ripresa + botto + ripresa) + (ripresa + botto + ripresa + botto + ripresa + botto + ripresa) + controcolpo".

Between minute 7:29 and 8:07: 3 shells "(scala a 8 botti + ripresa) + (scala a 8 botti + ripresa) + controcolpo".

Between minute 8:08 and 8:48: 3 shells "(6 riprese) + (6 riprese) + controcolpo".

Intermezzo with stutata's.

Between minute 9:04 and 9:19: "(scala a 8 botti) + (3 riprese) + (3 riprese) + (3 riprese) + controcolpo".

Between minute 9:20 and 9:36: "(scala a 8 botti) + (scala a 8 botti) + (4 riprese) + controcolpo".

Between minute 9:37 and 9:53: "(4 botti + 3 riprese) + (4 botti + 3 riprese) + (4 botti + 3 riprese) + controcolpo".

Between minute 9:54 and 10:01: "(scala a 8 botti) and stop.

Between minute 10:02 and 10:18: "(4 riprese) + (4 riprese) + (4 riprese) + controcolpo".

Between minute 10:19 and 10:39: "(scala a 8 botti) + (scala a 8 botti) + (scala a 8 botti) + (scala a 8 botti) + controcolpo".

Between minute 10:40 and 11:00: "(5 riprese) + (5 riprese) + (5 riprese) + controcolpo".

Between minute 11:01 and 11:21: "(4 botti + ripresa) + (4 botti + ripresa) + (4 botti + ripresa) + (4 botti + ripresa) + (4 botti + ripresa) + controcolpo".

Between minute 11:22 and 11:44: "(scala a 8 botti) + (3 riprese) + (3 riprese) + (3 riprese) + (3 riprese) + controcolpo".

In the video of Pirovagando: ... TZgL&t=404

Adelfia San Trifone 9th of November 2019, the set-up for the daylight display from Vincenzo Senatore on the 10th of November. This fermata shell with the superscription "4 B S 3V", means "4 botti ripresa tre volte" so "(4 botti + ripresa) + (4 botti + ripresa) + (4 botti + ripresa)". The complete effect is three breaks with in each break 4 successive titanium salute bombettes followed by a mosaic of salute bombettes and closed by a bottom-shot.
Of 21 cm caliber.
The controcolpo (bottom-shot) is not written on the shell.
In 2024 Vincenzo has made a fermata shell in 5 breaks in this effect!!! (between minute 11:01 and 11:21)

At the left side a "fermata" shell with the superscription "25 B" which means "(scala a 8 botti) + (scala a 8 botti) + (scala a 8 botti)". The complete effect is three breaks with in each break 8 successive titanium salute bombettes and closed by a bottom-shot. Of 21 cm caliber.
The controcolpo (bottom-shot) is not written on the shell.
In 2024 Vincenzo has made a fermata shell in 4 breaks in this effect!!! (between minute 10:19 and 10:39)

At the right side a "fermata" shell with the superscription "15 S" which means "(5 riprese) + (5 riprese) + (5 riprese)". The complete effect is three breaks with in each break 5 successive mosaic of salute bombettes and closed by a bottom-shot. Of 21 cm caliber.
The controcolpo (bottom-shot) is not written on the shell.

The family Senatore with at the left side Carmine, the father of Vincenzo. Next to him his brother Antonio, then the brother Giuseppe and then the brother Vincenzo.

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

633. "(intreccio + 4 botti + intreccio) + (intreccio + 2 botti + intreccio + 2 botti + intreccio) + (controbomba)".
634. "(scala a 8 sfere) + (4 botti + intreccio + 4 botti) + (controbomba)".
635. "(3 intrecci) + (controbomba + intreccio) + (controbomba + intreccio)".
636. "(2 riprese + 4 botti) + (2 riprese + 4 botti) + controcolpo".
637. "(4 intrecci) + (controbomba) + controcolpo".
638. "(scala a 8 botti) + (intreccio + 4 stucchi + intreccio) + (controbomba)".
639. "(intreccio + 4 botti + intreccio) + (intreccio + 4 botti + intreccio) + (intreccio + 4 botti + intreccio) + (controbomba)".
640. (2 riprese + 4 botti + 2 riprese) + (ripresa + 2 botti + ripresa + 2 botti + ripresa) + controcolpo".

Mugnano di Napoli Monday 20th of October 1997 Gabriele Vallefuoco during the preparation for the evening display on the 21st of October.

Mugnano di Napoli Tuesday 21st of October 1997 the competition, the brothers Di Candia during the set-up for the evening display. At the left side Emilio and in the middle with the black cap his brother Carmelo.

Mugnano di Napoli Tuesday 21st of October 1997 the competition, the brothers Di Candia during the set-up for the evening display. In the back the brothers Emilio and Carmelo.

Mugnano di Napoli Tuesday 21st of October 1997 the competition, the brothers Di Candia during the set-up for the evening display. The truck loaded with a lot of fermate shells.

stutata 28
Pirovago Attivo
Messaggi: 218
Iscritto il: giovedì 10 maggio 2007, 21:48
Re: How many different "fermata" shells are possible?

Messaggio da stutata 28 »

641. "(2 intrecci) + (controbomba) + (intreccio)".
642. "(intreccio + scala a 4 stucchi pampanella + intreccio) + (controbomba)".
643. "(4 botti + 2 intrecci + 4 botti) + (controbomba)".
644. "(4 botti + ripresa + 4 botti) + (4 botti + ripresa + 4 botti) + controcolpo".
645. "(scala a 8 stucchi) + (ripresa + 4 botti + ripresa) + (controbomba)".
646. "(4 botti + 3 intrecci) + (4 botti + 3 intrecci) + (controbomba)".
647. "(scala a 8 botti) + (intreccio + 4 botti + intreccio)".
648. "(3 intrecci) + (controbomba) + (intreccio)".

Adelfia 8th of November 2002, at the factory of Bartolomeo Bruscella, at the left side Michele Bruscella, the oldest son of Giuseppe Bruscella. The company Bruscella was founded by Michele Bruscella and he had 4 sons: Giuseppe, Bartolomeo, Vincenzo en Antonio. Giuseppe had three sons: Michele, Raffaele and Meo. When Giuseppe died the factory wnt o Bartolomeo because the oldet son of Giuseppe didn't want the factory. Michele (the son of Giuseppe) want to work for Bartolomeo and his oncles Vincenzo and Antonio.
When Michele died after a disease and also his oncle Bartolomeo died after a heart attack, the company went to the son of Bartolomeo, Michele Bruscella. And Michele died in the explosion in July 2015.

At the left side Michele Bruscella the son of Giuseppe Bruscella.


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